Risk/Crisis Communication

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Don't forget to analyze your audience!

Chapter 8 was about the importance of analyzing your audience. This seems like a topic that is always covered in communication classes, but Chapter 8 does have some important and helpful tips about how an audience should be analyzed.

There are three levels of audience analysis: baseline audience analysis, midline audience analysis and comprehensive audience analysis. Baseline audience analysis is the simplest form of audience analysis and provides the least in-depth information about your audience. Midline audience analysis provides more information than baseline and less than comprehensive. Comprehensive audience analysis provides the most in-depth information about your audience. It is important to know how much information you need to know about your audience, so you know how much research needs to be done. The charts in the chapter are quite helpful because they break down the levels of audience analysis and they organize the types of things to research at each level of audience analysis.

The chapter also mentioned tips to use when direct audience analysis is not possible. It is good to know the indirect methods of audience analysis because then there is a way to know how to tailor your messages for your audiences if you cannot directly analyze your audience.

Analyzing your audience before sending out a message may seem like common sense, and to me, the chapter basically covered what I had been taught before in communication classes. While this may be the case for most people, I think it is still good to read about the importance of audience analysis because we may easily forget that if we do not know how to best reach our audiences, our messages will be ineffective.

Chapter 8 is a good reference tool for anyone who is analyzing an audience. The chapter gave several lists of what information should be researched when analyzing an audience and what information should be researched at each level of audience analysis. These lists, which may be uninteresting to read, are helpful when it comes to analyzing an audience and you need a place to start. The lists also mention where the information can be found so that you do not have to search everywhere to find information that you may need.

Analyzing your audience is a very important part of communication. If you do not know how to best reach your audience your message will be lost in translation. While analyzing an audience may seem like a daunting task, it is not very difficult, but it could be time consuming, if you do not know where to start or how to go about it. Chapter 8 is quite helpful in giving information about how to go about deciding what information you need about your audience and how to find it.


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